This dataset contains the agreement score matrix of the 90th US Senate, covering the years 1967-1968. The dataset includes 102 legislators: 100 Senators, President Lyndon Johnson (who "voted" on select bills by announcing a position), and Senator Charles Goodell (R-NY), who replaced Senator Robert F. Kennedy after his assassination in June 1968.
A data frame with the following variables:
- congress
Congressional session number. Represents the 90th Congress.
- id
Legislator's unique identifier within the dataset.
- statecode
Two-letter state abbreviation representing the legislator's state.
- statename
Full name of the state the legislator represents.
- party
Political party affiliation of the legislator, typically 1 for Democrat and 2 for Republican.
- election
Year of the legislator's election to the Senate.
- name
Name of the legislator. This includes both first and last names.
- johnson
Agreement score with President Lyndon Johnson, reflecting how often the legislator's votes aligned with Johnson's positions.
- sparkman
Agreement score with Senator John Sparkman (D-AL). Similar to other agreement scores, it measures the voting alignment with this senator.
- hill
Agreement score with Senator Lister Hill (D-AL).
- gruening
Agreement score with Senator Ernest Gruening (D-AK).
- bartlett
Agreement score with Senator E.L. Bartlett (D-AK).
- hayden
Agreement score with Senator Carl Hayden (D-AZ).
- fannin
Agreement score with Senator Paul Fannin (R-AZ).
- fulbright
Agreement score with Senator J. William Fulbright (D-AR).
- mcclellan
Agreement score with Senator John L. McClellan (D-AR).
- kuchel
Agreement score with Senator Thomas Kuchel (R-CA).
- murphy
Agreement score with Senator George Murphy (R-CA).
- dominick
Agreement score with Senator Peter Dominick (R-CO).
- allott
Agreement score with Senator Gordon Allott (R-CO).
- dodd
Agreement score with Senator Thomas Dodd (D-CT).
- ribicoff
Agreement score with Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-CT).
- boggs
Agreement score with Senator J. Caleb Boggs (R-DE).
- williamsj
Agreement score with Senator John Williams (R-DE).
- smathers
Agreement score with Senator George Smathers (D-FL).
- holland
Agreement score with Senator Spessard Holland (D-FL).
- russell
Agreement score with Senator Richard Russell (D-GA).
- talmadge
Agreement score with Senator Herman Talmadge (D-GA).
- fong
Agreement score with Senator Hiram Fong (R-HI).
- inouye
Agreement score with Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI).
- church
Agreement score with Senator Frank Church (D-ID).
- jordanl
Agreement score with Senator Len Jordan (R-ID).
- dirksen
Agreement score with Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL).
- percy
Agreement score with Senator Charles Percy (R-IL).
- hartke
Agreement score with Senator Vance Hartke (D-IN).
- bayh
Agreement score with Senator Birch Bayh (D-IN).
- miller
Agreement score with Senator Jack Miller (R-IA).
- hickenloope
Agreement score with Senator Bourke Hickenlooper (R-IA).
- carlson
Agreement score with Senator Frank Carlson (R-KS).
- pearson
Agreement score with Senator James Pearson (R-KS).
- cooper
Agreement score with Senator John Sherman Cooper (R-KY).
- morton
Agreement score with Senator Thruston Morton (R-KY).
- ellender
Agreement score with Senator Allen Ellender (D-LA).
- longr
Agreement score with Senator Russell Long (D-LA).
- muskie
Agreement score with Senator Edmund Muskie (D-ME).
- smith
Agreement score with Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME).
- brewster
Agreement score with Senator Daniel Brewster (D-MD).
- tydings
Agreement score with Senator Joseph Tydings (D-MD).
- brooke
Agreement score with Senator Edward Brooke (R-MA).
- kennedye
Agreement score with Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA).
- griffin
Agreement score with Senator Robert Griffin (R-MI).
- hart
Agreement score with Senator Philip Hart (D-MI).
- mondale
Agreement score with Senator Walter Mondale (D-MN).
- mccarthy
Agreement score with Senator Eugene McCarthy (D-MN).
- stennis
Agreement score with Senator John Stennis (D-MS).
- eastland
Agreement score with Senator James Eastland (D-MS).
- symington
Agreement score with Senator Stuart Symington (D-MO).
- longe
Agreement score with Senator Edward Long (D-MO).
- metcalf
Agreement score with Senator Lee Metcalf (D-MT).
- mansfield
Agreement score with Senator Mike Mansfield (D-MT).
- curtis
Agreement score with Senator Carl Curtis (R-NE).
- hruska
Agreement score with Senator Roman Hruska (R-NE).
- bible
Agreement score with Senator Alan Bible (D-NV).
- cannon
Agreement score with Senator Howard Cannon (D-NV).
- mcintyre
Agreement score with Senator Thomas McIntyre (D-NH).
- cotton
Agreement score with Senator Norris Cotton (R-NH).
- case
Agreement score with Senator Clifford Case (R-NJ).
- williamsh
Agreement score with Senator Harrison Williams (D-NJ).
- anderson
Agreement score with Senator Clinton Anderson (D-NM).
- montoya
Agreement score with Senator Joseph Montoya (D-NM).
- javits
Agreement score with Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY).
- goodell
Agreement score with Senator Charles Goodell (R-NY), who replaced Robert F. Kennedy.
- kennedyr
Agreement score with Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY).
- jordanb
Agreement score with Senator B. Everett Jordan (D-NC).
- ervin
Agreement score with Senator Sam Ervin (D-NC).
- youngm
Agreement score with Senator Milton Young (R-ND).
- burdick
Agreement score with Senator Quentin Burdick (D-ND).
- youngs
Agreement score with Senator Stephen Young (D-OH).
- lausche
Agreement score with Senator Frank Lausche (D-OH).
- monroney
Agreement score with Senator A.S. Mike Monroney (D-OK).
- harris
Agreement score with Senator Fred Harris (D-OK).
- morse
Agreement score with Senator Wayne Morse (D-OR).
- hatfield
Agreement score with Senator Mark Hatfield (R-OR).
- scott
Agreement score with Senator Hugh Scott (R-PA).
- clark
Agreement score with Senator Joseph Clark (D-PA).
- pastore
Agreement score with Senator John Pastore (D-RI).
- pell
Agreement score with Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI).
- hollings
Agreement score with Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC).
- thurmond
Agreement score with Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC).
- mcgovern
Agreement score with Senator George McGovern (D-SD).
- mundt
Agreement score with Senator Karl Mundt (R-SD).
- baker
Agreement score with Senator Howard Baker (R-TN).
- gore
Agreement score with Senator Albert Gore (D-TN).
- yarborough
Agreement score with Senator Ralph Yarborough (D-TX).
- tower
Agreement score with Senator John Tower (R-TX).
- bennett
Agreement score with Senator Wallace Bennett (R-UT).
- moss
Agreement score with Senator Frank Moss (D-UT).
- prouty
Agreement score with Senator Winston Prouty (R-VT).
- aiken
Agreement score with Senator George Aiken (R-VT).
- spong
Agreement score with Senator William Spong (D-VA).
- byrdh
Agreement score with Senator Harry F. Byrd Jr. (I-VA).
- magnuson
Agreement score with Senator Warren Magnuson (D-WA).
- jackson
Agreement score with Senator Henry Jackson (D-WA).
- randolph
Agreement score with Senator Jennings Randolph (D-WV).
- byrdr
Agreement score with Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV).
- proxmire
Agreement score with Senator William Proxmire (D-WI).
- nelson
Agreement score with Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WI).
- hansen
Agreement score with Senator Clifford Hansen (R-WY).
- mcgee
Agreement score with Senator Gale McGee (D-WY).
Poole, Keith T., and Howard Rosenthal. (1997). Congress: A Political-Economic History of Roll Call Voting. Oxford University Press.
The matrix is used to analyze the dimensions of voting behavior in the Senate during this period, with two primary dimensions identified: liberal-conservative and region/civil-rights. The data were used in the analysis by Poole and Rosenthal (1997).
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