5.3 Parametric Methods - NOMINATE
5.3.3 Accessing DW-NOMINATE Scores
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'asmcjr':
## method from
## end.mcmc.list coda
## start.mcmc.list coda
## window.mcmc coda
## window.mcmc.list coda
# select the Congress terms of interest
ncong <- c(90, 100, 110)
# Filter the data for rows where the Congress number is in ncong and dist is not equal to 0
sub <- with(rcx, which(cong %in% ncong & dist != 0))
# Create a matrix containing the first dimension scores (dwnom1), party affiliation,
# and a factor indicating the Congress (e.g., "House 90", "House 100", "House 110")
polarization <- cbind(
rcx[sub, c("dwnom1", "party")], # Select columns for first dimension score and party
congress = factor(paste("House", rcx$cong[sub]), # Create a factor for the Congress
levels = c("House 90", "House 100", "House 110"))
# Ensure that 'party' is a factor
polarization$party <- as.factor(polarization$party)
# Create the plot
ggplot(polarization, aes(x = dwnom1, group = party, colour = party, fill = party)) +
geom_density(adjust = 2.5, alpha = .2) +
facet_wrap(~congress, ncol = 2) +
xlab("DW-Nominate\n(First Dimension)") +
theme_bw() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("gray25", "gray75"), name = "Party") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("gray25", "gray75"), name = "Party") +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1, legend.position = "bottom")
5.3.5 Example 1: The 108th US House
result <- wnominate(hr108, ubeta=15, uweights=0.5, dims=2,
minvotes=20, lop=0.025, trials=1, polarity=c(1,5), verbose=FALSE)
## Preparing to run W-NOMINATE...
## Checking data...
## All members meet minimum vote requirements.
## Votes dropped:
## ... 375 of 1218 total votes dropped.
## Running W-NOMINATE...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Starting estimation of Beta...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Starting estimation of Beta...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Estimating weights...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Estimating weights...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## W-NOMINATE estimation completed successfully.
## W-NOMINATE took 92.825 seconds to execute.
Create a grouping variable based on partyCode and icpsrState.
group <- rep(NA, nrow(result$legislators))
group[with(result$legislators, which(partyCode == 100 & icpsrState %in% c(40:51, 53, 54)))] <- 1
group[with(result$legislators, which(partyCode == 100 & icpsrState %in% c(1:39, 52, 55:82)))] <- 2
group[with(result$legislators, which(partyCode == 200))] <- 3
group[with(result$legislators, which(partyCode == 328))] <- 4
# Convert the group variable to a factor with appropriate labels
group <- factor(group, levels = 1:4,
labels = c("Southern Dems", "Northern Dems",
"Republicans", "Independents"))
# Plot using plot_wnom_coords with customized colors and shapes
plot_wnom_coords(result, shapeVar = group, dropNV = FALSE) +
scale_color_manual(values = gray.colors(4, end = .75), name = "Party Group",
labels = c("Southern Dems", "Northern Dems",
"Republicans", "Independents")) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c("S", "N", "R", "I"), name = "Party Group",
labels = c("Southern Dems", "Northern Dems",
"Republicans", "Independents")) +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1, legend.position = "bottom") +
xlab("First Dimension") +
ylab("Second Dimension") +
guides(colour = guide_legend(nrow = 2))
Shows the roll call choices of all voting legislators.
# Calculate the weight based on the result's weights
weight <- result$weights[2] / result$weights[1]
# Create a data frame with the first and second dimension coordinates, adjusting the second dimension by the weight
wnom.dat <- data.frame(
coord1D = result$legislators$coord1D,
coord2D = result$legislators$coord2D * weight,
group = group
# Plot the roll call results
plot_rollcall(result, hr108, wnom.dat, 528, wnom.dat$group, dropNV = TRUE) +
theme_bw() +
scale_shape_manual(values = c("S", "D", "R", "I"), name = "Party Group") +
xlab("First Dimension") +
ylab("Second Dimension") +
theme(aspect.ratio = 1, legend.position = "bottom") +
guides(shape = guide_legend(nrow = 2))
We can calculate the PRE (Proportional Reduction in Error) statistic and display it in the plot below the number of errors as below:
## $tot.errors
## yea_error nay_error
## 19 17
## $PRE
## [1] 0.7464789
To plot only those legislators who committed voting errors, we can use the plot_rollcall() function from above.
plot_rollcall(result, hr108, wnom.dat, 528,
shapeVar=wnom.dat$group, onlyErrors=TRUE) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c("S", "N", "R"), name="Party Group") +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio=1, legend.position="bottom") +
xlab("First Dimension") +
ylab("Second Dimension") +
guides(shape = guide_legend(nrow=2)) The Coombs Mesh and Cutting Line Angles
The Coombs mesh also illustrates how cutting planes intersect to form polytopes (bounded regions in the space).
angles <- makeCutlineAngles(result)
## angle N1W N2W
## 1 69.71863 0.9380017 -0.34663060
## 2 69.61088 0.9373482 -0.34839406
## 3 70.86382 0.9447421 -0.32781452
## 4 70.74404 0.9440547 -0.32978881
## 5 87.50801 0.9990543 -0.04347964
## 6 NA NA NA
## angle N1W N2W
## 528 -42.01419 0.6693147 0.742979
## [1] 68.5467
ggplot(angles, aes(x=angle)) +
geom_histogram() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
xlab("Cutline Angles")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 375 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
## (`stat_bin()`).
5.3.6 Example 2: The First European Parliament (Using the Parametric Bootstrap)
result <- wnominate(rc_ep, ubeta=15, uweights=0.5, dims=2, minvotes=20,
lop=0.025, trials=5, polarity=c(25,25), verbose=FALSE)
## Preparing to run W-NOMINATE...
## Checking data...
## ... 38 of 548 total members dropped.
## Votes dropped:
## ... 97 of 886 total votes dropped.
## Running W-NOMINATE...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Starting estimation of Beta...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Starting estimation of Beta...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Estimating weights...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Estimating weights...
## Getting bill parameters...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Starting bootstrap iterations...
## ... Computing standard errors...
## W-NOMINATE estimation completed successfully.
## W-NOMINATE took 1138.505 seconds to execute.
plot_wnom_coords(result, shapeVar = result$legislators$MS,
dropNV = FALSE, ptSize = 4, ci = FALSE) +
scale_shape_discrete(name = "Party Group")
## Warning: The shape palette can deal with a maximum of 6 discrete values because more
## than 6 becomes difficult to discriminate
## ℹ you have requested 11 values. Consider specifying shapes manually if you need
## that many have them.
## Warning: Removed 191 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).
5.4 Nonparametric Methods - Optimal Classification
5.4.2 Example 1: The French National Assembly during the Fourth Republic
rc <- rollcall(data=france4[,6:ncol(france4)],
desc="National Assembly of the French Fourth Republic")
## Preparing to run Optimal Classification...
## Checking data...
## ... 112 of 1566 total members dropped.
## Votes dropped:
## ... 34 of 889 total votes dropped.
## Running Optimal Classification...
## Generating Start Coordinates...
## Running Edith Algorithm...
## Permuting adjacent legislator pairs...
## Permuting adjacent legislator triples...
## Optimal Classification completed successfully.
## Optimal Classification took 934.042 seconds to execute.
## Preparing to run Optimal Classification...
## Checking data...
## ... 112 of 1566 total members dropped.
## Votes dropped:
## ... 34 of 889 total votes dropped.
## Running Optimal Classification...
## Generating Start Coordinates...
## Running Edith Algorithm...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Getting normal vectors...
## Getting legislator coordinates...
## Optimal Classification completed successfully.
## Optimal Classification took 235.42 seconds to execute.