2.1.2 Example 1: 2009 European Election Study (French Module)
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'asmcjr':
## method from
## end.mcmc.list coda
## start.mcmc.list coda
## window.mcmc coda
## window.mcmc.list coda
## self Extreme Left Communist Socialist Greens UDF (Bayrou) UMP (Sarkozy)
## [1,] 77 0 0 1 5 5 9
## [2,] 77 0 5 4 5 89 8
## [3,] 77 89 89 89 89 6 89
## [4,] 3 89 89 89 89 89 89
## [5,] 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
## [6,] 5 0 0 3 89 0 89
## National Front Left Party
## [1,] 10 1
## [2,] 10 4
## [3,] 10 89
## [4,] 89 89
## [5,] 77 77
## [6,] 89 5
## Loading required package: tools
## ## 2009 - 2024
## ## Keith Poole, Howard Rosenthal, Jeffrey Lewis, James Lo, and Royce Carroll
## ## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
## ## NSF Grant SES-0611974
result.france <- aldmck(franceEES2009, respondent=1, polarity=2,
missing=c(77,88,89), verbose=FALSE)
# plot stimuli locations in addition to ideal point density
# plot density of ideal points
plot_resphist(result.france, xlab="Left-Right")
# plot stimuli locations in addition to ideal point density
plot_resphist(result.france, addStim=TRUE, xlab = "Left-Right") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4), nrow=3)) +
labs(shape="Party", colour="Party")
## Warning: The `guide` argument in `scale_*()` cannot be `FALSE`. This was deprecated in
## ggplot2 3.3.4.
## ℹ Please use "none" instead.
## ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the asmcjr package.
## Please report the issue at <https://github.com/uniofessex/asmcjr/issues>.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
# isolate positive weights
plot_resphist(result.france, addStim=TRUE, weights="positive",
xlab = "Left-Right") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4), nrow=3)) +
labs(shape="Party", colour="Party")
# isolate positive weights
plot_resphist(result.france, addStim=TRUE,
weights="negative", xlab = "Left-Right") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4), nrow=3)) +
labs(shape="Party", colour="Party")
2.1.3 Example 2: 1968 American National Election Study Urban Unrest and Vietnam War Scales
Urban Unrest
Running Bayesian Aldrich-Mckelvey
# Loading 'nes1968_urbanunrest'
# Creating object with US president left-right dimensions
urban <- as.matrix(nes1968_urbanunrest[,-1])
# Running Bayesian Aldrich-Mckelvey scaling on President positions
result.urb <- aldmck(urban, polarity=2, respondent=5,
missing=c(8,9), verbose=FALSE)
## ----------------------------------
## Number of Stimuli: 4
## Number of Respondents Scaled: 1191
## Number of Respondents (Positive Weights): 1110
## Number of Respondents (Negative Weights): 81
## Reduction of normalized variance of perceptions: 0.09
## Location
## Humphrey -0.428
## Johnson -0.399
## Nixon 0.015
## Wallace 0.811
Extracting vote.choice
# recode so that only Humphrey, Nixon and Wallace are present
vote <- car:::recode(nes1968_urbanunrest[,1], "3='Humphrey'; 5 = 'Nixon'; 6 = 'Wallace'; else=NA",
# Convert vote to factor with appropriate levels
vote <- factor(vote, levels=c("Humphrey", "Nixon", "Wallace"))
# Plot population distribution by vote choice
plot_resphist(result.urb, groupVar=vote, addStim=TRUE,
xlab="Liberal-Conservative") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes =
list(size = 4, color=c("gray25", "gray50", "gray75"))),
colour = "none") +
xlim(c(-2,2)) +
## Warning: Removed 451 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_line()`).
Vietnam War Scales
vietnam <- as.matrix(nes1968_vietnam[,-1])
# Aldrich-Mckelvey function for vietnam dataset
result.viet <- aldmck(vietnam, polarity=2, respondent=5,
missing=c(8,9), verbose=FALSE)
## ----------------------------------
## Number of Stimuli: 4
## Number of Respondents Scaled: 1031
## Number of Respondents (Positive Weights): 800
## Number of Respondents (Negative Weights): 231
## Reduction of normalized variance of perceptions: 0.19
## Location
## Humphrey -0.436
## Johnson -0.330
## Nixon -0.068
## Wallace 0.834
# Plot population distribution by vote choice
plot_resphist(result.urb, groupVar=vote, addStim=TRUE,
xlab="Liberal-Conservative") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes =
list(size = 4, color=c("gray25", "gray50", "gray75"))),
colour = "none") +
xlim(c(-2,2)) +
## Warning: Removed 451 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_line()`).
boot.france <- boot.aldmck(franceEES2009,
polarity=2, respondent=1, missing=c(77,88,89),
verbose=FALSE, boot.args = list(R=100))
ggplot(boot.france$sumstats, aes(x = idealpt, y = stimulus)) +
geom_point() +
# geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = lower, xmax = upper), height = 0.2) +
xlab("Left-Right") +
ylab(NULL) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", aspect.ratio = 1)
2.2.1 Example 1: 2000 Convention Delegate Study
## Lib-Con Abortion Govt Services Defense Spending
## [1,] 3 4 5 4
## [2,] 2 4 5 6
## [3,] 1 4 7 6
## [4,] 2 99 6 5
## [5,] 4 4 7 1
## [6,] 4 4 7 4
Blackbox syntax of Republican-Democrat left-right scale
issues <- as.matrix(CDS2000[,5:14])
result.repdem <- blackbox(issues,
missing=99, dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=TRUE)
## Beginning Blackbox Scaling...10 stimuli have been provided.
## Blackbox estimation completed successfully.
Recode party: Democrats = 1; Republicans = 2
party <- car:::recode(CDS2000[,1],
"1='Democrat'; 2='Republican'; else=NA",
plot_blackbox(result.repdem, dims=c(1,2), groupVar=party,
xlab= "First Dimension\n(Left-Right)",
ylab="Second Dimension") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
guides(shape=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=4))) +
2.2.2 Example 2: 2010 Swedish Parliamentary Candidate Survey
## id elected party.name party.code govt.party left.right.self.fivept
## 1 39681 0 Conservative Party 300 1 5
## 2 17735 1 Conservative Party 300 1 5
## 3 41923 0 Conservative Party 300 1 4
## 4 43665 0 Conservative Party 300 1 5
## 5 15867 0 Conservative Party 300 1 5
## 6 39829 0 Conservative Party 300 1 4
## congestion.taxes highspeed.trains
## 1 3 2
## 2 3 3
## 3 4 1
## 4 4 2
## 5 3 3
## 6 2 2
Blacbox Scaling for Sweden issue scale
# Extract issues scales and convert to numeric
issues.sweden <- as.matrix(Sweden2010[,7:56])
mode(issues.sweden) <- "numeric"
# Blacbox syntax for Sweden issue scale
result.sweden <- blackbox(issues.sweden, missing=8,
dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=FALSE)
# change polarity of scores
if(result.sweden$individuals[[1]][13,1] < 0)
result.sweden$individuals[[1]][,1] <-
result.sweden$individuals[[1]][,1] * -1
## SSE SSE.explained percent SE singular
## Dimension 1 81259.51 91466.73 52.954739 0.8069252 255.24828
## Dimension 2 73388.39 99337.86 4.556993 0.7755642 92.78285
## Dimension 3 67238.03 105488.22 3.560756 0.7509879 85.00461
## N c w1 R2
## property.taxes.wealthy 2594 2.271 3.615 0.787
## wealth.tax 2621 1.983 3.420 0.793
## tax.wealthy 2652 2.337 3.635 0.820
## tax.pensions 2561 3.013 1.951 0.364
## household.services.deduction 2663 2.956 -3.726 0.809
## work.income.tax 2617 2.992 -2.553 0.588
## sex.purchase 2544 1.454 -0.736 0.084
## DUI.penalty 2537 3.384 -0.437 0.033
## criminal.sentences 2497 3.103 -1.461 0.278
## wiretaps 2393 2.786 2.732 0.553
elected <- as.numeric(Sweden2010[,2])
party.name.sweden <- as.factor(Sweden2010[,3])
plot_resphist(result.sweden, groupVar=party.name.sweden, dim=1,
scaleDensity=FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~stimulus, ncol=2) +
theme(legend.position="none") +
scale_color_manual(values=rep("black", 10))
Density plot syntax and comparison of defeated/elected candidates
# Keep only the parties of elected candidates, set others to NA
party.name.sweden[which(elected == 0)] <- NA
plot_resphist(result.sweden, groupVar=party.name.sweden, dim=1, scaleDensity=FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~stimulus, ncol=2) +
theme(legend.position="none") +
scale_color_manual(values=rep("black", 10))
2.2.3 Estimating Bootstrapped Standard Errors for Black Box Scaling
The 2010 Swedish parliamentary candidate data
# Candidate point estimates blackbox scaling
outbb <- boot.blackbox(issues.sweden, missing=8, dims=3, minscale=5,
verbose=FALSE, posStimulus=13)
Matrix creation for Swedish candidates
first.dim <- data.frame(
point = result.sweden$individuals[[3]][,1],
se = apply(outbb[,1,], 1, sd)
first.dim$lower <- with(first.dim, point - 1.96*se)
first.dim$upper <- with(first.dim, point + 1.96*se)
first.dim$elected <- factor(elected, levels=c(0,1),
labels=c("Not Elected", "Elected"))
## point se lower upper elected
## 1 -0.355 0.10567674 -0.5621264 -0.14787359 Not Elected
## 2 -0.383 0.10634592 -0.5914380 -0.17456200 Elected
## 3 -0.335 0.09235433 -0.5160145 -0.15398551 Not Elected
## 4 -0.359 0.09925504 -0.5535399 -0.16446012 Not Elected
## 5 -0.206 0.09182988 -0.3859866 -0.02601343 Not Elected
## 6 -0.072 0.06757198 -0.2044411 0.06044109 Not Elected
Plot for the distribution of first dimensions bootstrapped SE
ggplot(first.dim, aes(x=se, group=elected)) +
stat_density(geom="line", bw=.005) +
facet_wrap(~elected) +
theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
xlab("Standard Error") +
xlim(c(0,.2)) +
To determine whether the difference between the two distributions is statistically significant, we compute a permutation test for the difference in standard errors variances.
# Variance test syntax
levels(first.dim$elected) <- c("No", "Yes")
permTS(se ~ elected, data=first.dim,
alternative="greater", method="exact.mc",
## Exact Permutation Test Estimated by Monte Carlo
## data: se by elected
## p-value = 0.96
## alternative hypothesis: true mean elected=No - mean elected=Yes is greater than 0
## sample estimates:
## mean elected=No - mean elected=Yes
## -0.002516503
## p-value estimated from 9999 Monte Carlo replications
## 99 percent confidence interval on p-value:
## 0.9546745 0.9648740
2.3.1 Example 1: 2000 and 2006 Comparative Study of Elec- toral Systems (Mexican Modules)
## [1,] 11 6 1 99 6 99
## [2,] 11 6 5 5 5 5
## [3,] 10 4 3 3 8 3
## [4,] 8 9 7 99 99 99
## [5,] 9 5 3 4 99 99
## [6,] 9 6 1 1 9 99
Blackbox syntax for two datasets, with data cleaning arguments
result_2000 <- blackbox_transpose(mexicoCSES2000, missing=99,
dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=TRUE)
result_2006 <- blackbox_transpose(mexicoCSES2006, missing=99,
dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=TRUE)
Multiplying here to avoid negative scores
# Extract and transform dimensions for the year 2000
first.dim.2000 <- -1 * result_2000$stimuli[[2]][, 2]
second.dim.2000 <- result_2000$stimuli[[2]][, 3]
# Extract and transform dimensions for the year 2006
first.dim.2006 <- -1 * result_2006$stimuli[[2]][, 2]
second.dim.2006 <- result_2006$stimuli[[2]][, 3]
# Create a data frame for plotting
plot.df <- data.frame(
dim1 = c(first.dim.2000, first.dim.2006),
dim2 = c(second.dim.2000, second.dim.2006),
year = rep(c(2000, 2006), c(length(first.dim.2000), length(first.dim.2006))),
party = factor(c(rownames(result_2000$stimuli[[2]]), rownames(result_2006$stimuli[[2]])))
# Add nudge values for adjusting labels in the plot
plot.df$nudge_x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0.13, 0, 0, -0.225, 0)
plot.df$nudge_y <- c(-0.05, -0.05, 0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 0, -0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 0.03, 0.05, -0.05, -0.025, 0.05)
# Display the first few rows of the data frame
## dim1 dim2 year party nudge_x nudge_y
## 1 0.811 -0.292 2000 PAN 0.000 -0.05
## 2 0.120 0.903 2000 PRI 0.000 -0.05
## 3 -0.268 -0.100 2000 PRD 0.000 0.05
## 4 -0.338 -0.181 2000 PT 0.000 -0.05
## 5 0.048 -0.195 2000 Greens 0.000 -0.05
## 6 -0.373 -0.134 2000 PARM -0.125 0.00
ggplot(plot.df, aes(x=dim1, y=dim2, group=year)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(label=party), nudge_y=plot.df$nudge_y, size=3,
nudge_x=plot.df$nudge_x, group=plot.df$year) +
facet_wrap(~year) +
xlim(-.55,1) +
ylim(-.55,1) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x="First Dimension", y="Second Dimension")
2.3.2 Estimating Bootstrapped Standard Errors for Black Box Transpose Scaling
rankings <- as.matrix(franceEES2009[,2:9])
mode(rankings) <- "numeric"
original <- blackbox_transpose(rankings,
missing=c(77,88,89), dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=FALSE)
# Reverse check for the first stimulus
if (original$stimuli[[1]][1,2] > 0) {
original$stimuli[[1]][,2] <- -1 * original$stimuli[[1]][,2]
# Print the fits from the original object
## SSE SSE.explained percent SE singular
## Dimension 1 15662.524 57751.39 78.665454 1.751592 241.07084
## Dimension 2 10224.214 63189.70 7.407739 1.562470 86.24658
## Dimension 3 7177.296 66236.61 4.150327 1.481290 62.02679
outbbt <- boot.blackbox_transpose(rankings, missing=c(77,88,89),
dims=3, minscale=5, verbose=FALSE, R=5)
# Create a data frame for the bootstrapped results
france.boot.bbt <- data.frame(
party = colnames(rankings),
point = original$stimuli[[1]][, 2],
se = apply(outbbt[, 1, ], 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate the confidence intervals
france.boot.bbt$lower <- with(france.boot.bbt, point - 1.96 * se)
france.boot.bbt$upper <- with(france.boot.bbt, point + 1.96 * se)
# Display the resulting data frame
## party point se lower upper
## 1 Extreme Left -0.453 0.03615660 -0.52386694 -0.38213306
## 2 Communist -0.327 0.01961632 -0.36544799 -0.28855201
## 3 Socialist -0.089 0.01190378 -0.11233141 -0.06566859
## 4 Greens -0.025 0.04033981 -0.10406602 0.05406602
## 5 UDF (Bayrou) 0.115 0.02334952 0.06923494 0.16076506
## 6 UMP (Sarkozy) 0.456 0.07369735 0.31155319 0.60044681
## 7 National Front 0.612 0.07037258 0.47406974 0.74993026
## 8 Left Party -0.290 0.01281796 -0.31512319 -0.26487681
2.4 Ordered Optimal Classification
## libcon diplomacy iraqwar govtspend defense bushtaxcuts healthinsurance
## 1 4 NA NA 3 7 NA 7
## 2 4 4 4 6 5 1 2
## 3 6 1 1 3 5 1 4
## 4 4 7 3 7 2 3 1
## 5 6 5 1 3 5 1 5
## 6 6 1 4 6 6 4 2
## govtjobs aidblacks govtfundsabortion partialbirthabortion environmentjobs
## 1 7 7 1 NA 2
## 2 3 6 4 1 3
## 3 4 5 4 1 4
## 4 1 1 3 NA NA
## 5 6 6 4 1 4
## 6 5 7 4 1 NA
## deathpenalty gunregulations
## 1 1 1
## 2 4 1
## 3 2 1
## 4 4 3
## 5 2 3
## 6 4 3
The command below performs OOC on the 2004 ANES issue scale data in two dimensions:
issue.result <- ooc.result$issues.unique
# Set the row names of issue.result using the column names from issuescales
rownames(issue.result) <- colnames(issuescales)
# Print selected columns from issue.result
print(issue.result[, c("normVectorAngle2D", "wrongScale",
"correctScale", "errorsNull", "PREScale")])
## normVectorAngle2D wrongScale correctScale errorsNull
## libcon 5.308387 365 555 623
## diplomacy -14.617062 505 536 774
## iraqwar -1.432234 334 855 596
## govtspend 37.532690 501 559 776
## defense -3.807150 528 533 761
## bushtaxcuts -19.485846 219 560 456
## healthinsurance 46.666181 371 741 892
## govtjobs 42.263435 348 755 878
## aidblacks 36.393860 457 616 798
## govtfundsabortion -20.912765 472 669 603
## partialbirthabortion -32.859434 286 839 503
## environmentjobs -15.768729 529 490 744
## deathpenalty -18.939594 546 617 599
## gunregulations -7.835209 518 683 669
## PREScale
## libcon 0.4141252
## diplomacy 0.3475452
## iraqwar 0.4395973
## govtspend 0.3543814
## defense 0.3061761
## bushtaxcuts 0.5197368
## healthinsurance 0.5840807
## govtjobs 0.6036446
## aidblacks 0.4273183
## govtfundsabortion 0.2172471
## partialbirthabortion 0.4314115
## environmentjobs 0.2889785
## deathpenalty 0.0884808
## gunregulations 0.2257100
2.5 Using Anchoring Vignettes
calculate party means and standard deviations across all CHES experts
# Load the asmcjr package
# Load the ches_eu dataset
# Calculate the column means of sub.europe, ignoring NA values
means <- colMeans(sub.europe, na.rm = TRUE)
# Calculate the standard deviations of the columns in sub.europe, ignoring NA values
sds2 <- apply(sub.europe, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
# Convert sub.europe to a matrix
sub.europe <- as.matrix(sub.europe)
# Ensure the mode of sub.europe is numeric
mode(sub.europe) <- "numeric"
Call the blackbox_transpose
result <- blackbox_transpose(sub.europe,dims=3,
## Beginning Blackbox Transpose Scaling...118 stimuli have been provided.
## Blackbox-Transpose estimation completed successfully.
# Create a data frame europe.dat containing x, y coordinates, means, party names, and types
europe.dat <- data.frame(
x = -result$stimuli[[2]][,2], # Negate the second column of stimuli and assign to x
y = result$stimuli[[2]][,3], # Use the third column of stimuli for y
means = means, # Add the means calculated earlier
party = colnames(sub.europe), # Use the column names of sub.europe as party names
type = car:::recode(means, # Recode means into categories: Left, Moderate, and Right
"lo:3 = 'Left'; 3:7 = 'Moderate'; 7:hi = 'Right'",
as.factor = TRUE)
# Separate europe.dat into two data frames: parties.dat and vignette.dat
parties.dat <- europe.dat[-(1:3), ] # Exclude the first three rows for parties.dat
vignette.dat <- europe.dat[(1:3), ] # Include only the first three rows for vignette.dat
# Extract fit values from the result object
onedim <- result$fits[1, 3] # Extract the one-dimensional fit value
twodim <- result$fits[2, 3] # Extract the two-dimensional fit value
ggplot(parties.dat, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point(aes(shape = type, color = type), size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values = gray.palette(3)) +
theme_bw() +
# Add text labels "A", "B", and "C" to the points in vignette.dat
geom_text(data = vignette.dat, label = c("A", "B", "C"),
show.legend = FALSE, size = 10, color = "black") +
xlab(paste0("First Dimension (fit = ", round(onedim, 1), "%)")) +
ylab(paste0("Second Dimension (fit = ", round(twodim, 1), "%)")) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", aspect.ratio = 1) +
labs(colour = "Party Group", shape = "Party Group")
ggplot(parties.dat, aes(x=x, y=means)) +
geom_smooth(method="loess", color="black", lwd=.5, se=FALSE) +
geom_point(aes(shape=type, color=type), size=3) +
scale_color_manual(values=gray.palette(3)) +
theme_bw() +
xlab("First Dimension Coordinates") +
ylab("Mean Party Placement") +
theme(legend.position="bottom", aspect.ratio=1) +
labs(shape="Party Group", colour="Party Group")