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This function plots the OC (Optimal Classification) coordinates after applying an optional rotation matrix.


  shapeVar = NULL,
  dropNV = FALSE,
  ptSize = 4,
  rotMat = diag(2)



A list object containing the OC results. Typically, this comes from a function like oc.


Optional. A variable to define the shape and color of points in the plot, typically a factor.


Logical. If TRUE, rows with missing values in the shapeVar will be dropped from the plot.


Numeric. The size of the points in the plot.


A 2x2 rotation matrix. Defaults to the identity matrix (diag(2)), which means no rotation.


A ggplot object representing the OC coordinates plot.


# Example usage:
# Assume `rc` is an object containing legislative data
result <- oc(rc, dims=2, minvotes=20, lop=0.025, polarity=c(2,2), verbose=FALSE)
#> Preparing to run Optimal Classification...
#> 	Checking data...
#> 		... 112 of 1566 total members dropped.
#> 		Votes dropped:
#> 		... 34 of 889 total votes dropped.
#> 	Running Optimal Classification...
#> 		Generating Start Coordinates...
#> 		Running Edith Algorithm...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> 		Getting normal vectors...
#> 		Getting legislator coordinates...
#> Optimal Classification completed successfully.
#> Optimal Classification took 225.94 seconds to execute.

# Define a 45-degree rotation matrix
deg2rad <- function(x) x * pi / 180
rad45 <- deg2rad(45)
A <- matrix(c(cos(rad45), -sin(rad45), sin(rad45), cos(rad45)), nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)

# Plot OC coordinates without rotation
plot1 <- plot_oc_coords(result)
#> Warning: Removed 112 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale
#> range (`geom_point()`).

# Plot OC coordinates with a 45-degree rotation
plot2 <- plot_oc_coords(result, rotMat=A)