This function performs binary comparisons between pairs of columns in a given matrix or data frame.
The comparisons are made by subtracting one column from another and determining the sign of the result.
The function is specifically designed for use with the candidatetherms2008
dataset, but can be applied to other datasets with similar structure.
- obj
A matrix or data frame where the rows represent observations and the columns represent different candidates or factors to compare. This object is specifically designed to be used with the candidatetherms2008
A matrix of the same number of rows as obj
, with columns representing the comparisons between pairs of the original columns. The resulting values are encoded as:
The columns of the returned matrix are named according to the pair of columns being compared, joined by an underscore.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
X <- binary.comparisons(candidatetherms2008)
} # }