The Sweden2010
dataset contains data from the 2010 Swedish Parliamentary Candidate Survey, conducted by the Swedish
public broadcasting network Sveriges Television (SVT). The survey targeted all 5,627 parliamentary candidates, with
completed interviews from 2,830 candidates, including 289 of the 349 candidates who were elected.
A data frame with the following variables:
- id
Unique identifier for each candidate.
- elected
Indicator of whether the candidate was elected (1) or not (0).
Name of the political party the candidate belongs to.
- party.code
Numeric code representing the political party.
Indicator of whether the candidate's party is part of the government coalition (1) or not (0).
- left.right.self.fivept
Left-right self-placement on a 1-5 scale.
- congestion.taxes
Opinion on congestion taxes.
- highspeed.trains
Opinion on high-speed trains.
- hunt.wolves
Opinion on hunting wolves.
- nuclear.power
Opinion on nuclear power.
- gasoline.taxes
Opinion on gasoline taxes.
- museum.fees
Opinion on museum fees.
- online.piracy
Opinion on online piracy.
- state.TV
Opinion on state TV.
- refugee.cities
Opinion on establishing refugee cities.
- asylum.seekers
Opinion on asylum seekers.
Opinion on healthcare for refugees.
- teacher.veils
Opinion on teachers wearing veils.
- paternal.leave
Opinion on paternal leave.
- affirmative.action.universities
Opinion on affirmative action in universities.
- child.raising.allowance
Opinion on child-raising allowance.
- property.taxes.wealthy
Opinion on property taxes for the wealthy.
Opinion on wealth tax.
- tax.wealthy
Opinion on taxing the wealthy.
- tax.pensions
Opinion on taxing pensions.
Opinion on household services deduction.
Opinion on work income tax.
- sex.purchase
Opinion on purchasing sex.
- DUI.penalty
Opinion on penalties for driving under the influence (DUI).
- criminal.sentences
Opinion on criminal sentences.
- wiretaps
Opinion on wiretapping.
- retirement.age
Opinion on retirement age.
Opinion on health insurance time limits.
Opinion on dental insurance.
- competition.public.sector
Opinion on competition in the public sector.
Opinion on mandatory unemployment insurance.
Opinion on municipal home care services.
- circumcision
Opinion on circumcision.
Opinion on profits in private healthcare.
- govt.alcohol.monopoly
Opinion on the government's alcohol monopoly.
Opinion on employment protection.
- sell.public.corporations
Opinion on selling public corporations.
- Aghanistan.withdrawal
Opinion on withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- exporting.arms
Opinion on exporting arms.
- aid.undemocratic.countries
Opinion on aid to undemocratic countries.
- compulsory.military.service
Opinion on compulsory military service.
- leave.EU
Opinion on leaving the European Union.
- transfer.students
Opinion on transferring students.
Opinion on local control of education.
- student.grades
Opinion on student grading systems.
- number.private.schools
Opinion on the number of private schools.
- university.eligibility
Opinion on university eligibility.
- criminalize.racist.organizations
Opinion on criminalizing racist organizations.
- abolish.monarchy
Opinion on abolishing the monarchy.
- ballot.order
Opinion on the order of ballots.
- referenda.elections
Opinion on referenda during elections.
Candidates were asked 50 Likert-type questions, using a 4-point scale (from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree") to register their opinions on a series of policy statements. Most issue scales focus on economic/social welfare issues, but questions related to foreign policy, social/cultural matters, law and order, immigration, and environmental issues are also included. Missing responses are coded as 8.
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