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This function performs Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling (BMDS) using a specified distance matrix and predefined positions for stimuli. It uses the JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) framework to estimate the positions of stimuli in a lower-dimensional space.


BMDS(data, posStims, negStims, z, fname = NULL, n.sample = 2500, ...)



A numeric matrix representing the observed distance matrix. The matrix should be symmetric with non-negative entries.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the indices of the stimuli that should be constrained to have positive coordinates on the first and second dimensions, respectively.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the indices of the stimuli that should be constrained to have negative coordinates on the first and second dimensions, respectively.


A numeric matrix with the initial positions for the stimuli. Missing values (NA) indicate positions to be estimated.


A character string specifying the file name to which the JAGS model code should be written. This argument is required.


An integer specifying the number of MCMC samples to draw. The default is 2500.


Additional arguments passed to the JAGS model, such as n.chains and n.adapt.


An invisible list with two components:


An object containing the MCMC samples for the estimated positions.

A data frame containing the summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and credible intervals) for the estimated positions.


This function requires the rjags package and JAGS software to run. It constructs a JAGS model that imposes constraints on the positions of certain stimuli (specified by posStims and negStims) and estimates the remaining positions using MCMC sampling. The model is written to a file specified by fname, and the function then runs the JAGS model using the specified number of samples.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Load the nations dataset (assuming it's already loaded in your environment)
# If not, load or create a similar dataset with distance values.
# Initialize the z matrix with NA values and set specific starting points
z <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(nations), ncol = 2)
z[10, ] <- 0        # Fix both dimensions of the 10th stimulus to 0
z[11, 2] <- 0       # Fix the second dimension of the 11th stimulus to 0

# Perform Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling (BMDS)
nations.bmds <- BMDS(nations, 
                     posStims = c(7, 2),  # Stimuli to constrain to positive coordinates
                     negStims = c(9, 8),  # Stimuli to constrain to negative coordinates
                     z = z,               # Initial positions matrix
                     fname = "nations_jags.txt",  # File to write the JAGS model
                     n.sample = 10000,     # Number of MCMC samples
                     n.adapt = 10000)      # Number of adaptation steps

# Inspect the result
print(nations.bmds$  # Print the summary statistics for the estimated positions
} # }